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38,90 €

incl. VAT, Free shipping in DE*.

plus 0,25€ ONE WAY deposit per 360 ml bottle
Set size
In stock | In 2-3 days with you*
With ginger pieces

With ginger pieces

 Old monastery recipe

Old monastery recipe

 Organic and vegan

Organic and vegan

  • Four delicious flavors: Classic, Turmeric, Pomegranate and Pineapple 💚🧡❤️💛
  • 52 portions: For more than 7 weeks full of power moments on the go or at home 💪
  • 360 ml + 30 ml glass bottles ♻️
  • 2 free shot glasses included  🤩
  • Organic and vegan ✅
  • Without artificial additives and without industrial sugar 🚫
  • Natural ingredients instead of food supplements 🌱
Our sets.
Pre-packed. Well saved.

An old monastery recipe was the inspiration for what we have made possible with a specially developed manufacturing process. Real, finely chopped pieces of ginger in every product.

Pure organic ingredients make all our products what you want them to be: a natural, perfectly flavored and slightly spicy ginger shot highlight in premium quality. And completely without artificial additives!

We have already prepared our sets for you. Whether to try for yourself or as a gift. With each set, you save money and also receive at least one free glass as a gift.

Tasting set M - There is something of every product in this set.
Contents (52 shots)
  • 2x free shot glass
All our drinks are of course certified organic (organic inspection body DE-ÖKO-006).

(Decorative items are not included in delivery).

Our 12SHOTS. Opens the eyes. And the mind.

As a 360 ml power supply, the 12SHOTS is perfect for all positive momententalists. 12 ginger shots for almost two weeks will gladly bring you to the front first thing in the morning. Time to open the windows in your head and let in the power of the original with the bits.

Our 1SHOT. Power substance in its smallest form.

What you have in store with the 12SHOTS is the 1SHOT for on the go and in between. After sport, a long bike ride, a long train journey, an annoying day at the office: treat yourself to a small, light-sharp break and bring your mental battery back up to 100%. Ready, Steady, 1SHOT.

Everything you need to know.

  • Our secret: a recipe.

    According to a traditional monastery recipe, we offer you genuine organic ginger shots. As pure and natural as it was back then.

  • The original with ginger pieces.

    There are real ginger pieces in each of our products. As part of the special recipe, our shots become a tangible taste experience.

  • Pure ginger.

    There are many ginger shots out there. We want to stay as close to ginger as possible. That's why we put pieces of ginger in our shots instead of juice.

  • Not just outstanding in terms of flavour.

    We regularly win prizes for our work. We are already proud of that. But we are much prouder of the many great reviews on REVIEWS.io.

Product FAQ

The tasting set M is the right thing for you if you want to find out which of our ginger shot flavors is your favorite. Classic, turmeric, pomegranate and pineapple are each represented with a 12SHOTS. On top of that, we've packed you a 1SHOTs of each flavor - to take with you if you need to go quickly in the morning, or to give to your friends so they can try a portion too.

Closed, our ginger shots have a shelf life of 24 months from bottling - the best-before date is printed on the bottle cap. This requires cool, dark storage. Once opened, the shots will keep for at least 12 days in the fridge.

Yes, if you were to buy all the products in the trial set M individually, it would cost you €49.07. You can get the trial set M for just €38.90 - so you save more than €10!

The tasting set M is not only suitable for all self-confessed ginger shot fans as a gift. Thanks to the high-quality packaging and the appealing look, the set is a real highlight on any gift table.

Yes, in the tasting set M you will find two matching glasses so that you can dose your daily shot precisely - in style.