1st Contest Social Media

The community competition Kloster Kitchen x STABILO isorganized from 02.01.2023 - 16.01.2023 by Kloster Kitchen - A brand of curameo AG, Hersbrucker Str. 23, 91244 Reichenschwand,(hereinafter "Kloster Kitchen" or "curameo AG" or the "Organizer").
Participation is voluntary and free of charge. The participants (in the following, personal terms apply equally to persons of male and female gender) only have to bear the costs associated with participation via the Internet (usage fee for Internet connection). Participation as well as the chances of winning are independent of the purchase of goods or the use of services.
By participating in the contest, the participant accepts these terms of participation and the terms of use of Meta Platform Ireland Limited, available at
. The contest is not affiliated with Facebook or Instagram and is in no way sponsored, endorsed or organized by Facebook or Instagram. All questions, comments and complaints should not be directed to Facebook but directly to Kloster Kitchen. By confirming the terms and conditions of participation, participants acknowledge that they cannot make any claims against Facebook or Instagram if they participate in the promotion.

2. participation/procedure

Participation is only possible via the Internet. By sending the documents, the author automatically participates in the competition. The documents are to be sent exclusively by e-mail to Documents sent by mail will not be considered.
Eligible to participate are natural persons residing in Germany or Austria who have reached the age of 18. Employees of Kloster Kitchen - A brand of curameo AG are excluded from participation. Participation via sweepstake services, automated mass participation procedures, third parties via agencies or via other commercial providers is not permitted. In the event of a breach of these conditions of participation, Kloster Kitchen - Eine Marke der curameo AG reserves the right to exclude the participant from the competition. In such cases, prizes may be subsequently withdrawn and reclaimed. By participating in the contest, the participant expressly agrees to the linking of the promotion page ( to his profile page and to the participant being notified by DM or e-mail of any prize. The privacy settings on one's own profile will not be affected.
Only own creations may be submitted. Participants who violate the terms of the contest will be excluded from the contest. In this case, prizes may also be subsequently revoked and reclaimed.
Permissible file formats are: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .pdf.

3. determination of the winners

The finalists will be selected by a jury in advance. The community will then select the winner on the Instagram channel of Kloster Kitchen and STABILO. No cash payment of the winnings. The prize is not transferable. Winners will be notified via email.
Winners will be notified via email, direct message and/or comment on Instagram/FB. They may also have their names published on the Facebook or Instagram page of Kloster Kitchen .
The winners must confirm the win via personal message on FB/Instagram or email ( to Kloster Kitchen , stating their first and last name as well as postal address within 5 business days, otherwise the claim to the prize will be forfeited and a new winner will be determined among the remaining participants in the respective participation period. The contact details of the winner(s) will be shared with third parties, if necessary, to ensure the delivery of the prize.

4. prices

The winner will receive a year's supply of ginger shots and a STABILO set (consisting of STABILO Pen 68 brush ARTY 30 metal case, STABILOaquacolor ARTY 36 metal case, STABILO point 88 ARTY 66 metal case worth over EUR 460 including their own bottle designs. The finalists will receive a Kloster Kitchen tasting set L and a STABILO set (consisting of STABILO Creative Set ARTY with STABILO Pen 68 brush, STABILOaquacolor and STABILO point 88 36er metal case) worth over EUR 87.
Kloster Kitchen - A brand of curameo AG reserves the right to make further prize distributions for the purpose of incentivizing participants. Cash payment of the prizes or any prize substitution is not possible. The claim to the prize is not transferable. The prize may not be resold.

5. rights of use

By participating in the competition, the participant expressly agrees that the information in connection with the competition - subject to revocation of these conditions of participation - may be used, disseminated and otherwise made publicly available to third parties, with or without mention of his or her first name, by Kloster Kitchen - A brand of curameo AG for the purpose of processing and presenting the participant's entries in online media (in particular on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or the participant's own website) as well as in offline media (for example in print, in relevant magazines, etc.).
In cases where the participant revokes his or her consent to the use of the entry, the right to continue participating in the competition shall automatically lapse. The participant will not suffer any further disadvantages.
The winner gives his consent for word and image rights. The consent is also valid without limitation for private and/or commercial use - publication, dissemination, use, editing and transmission - in digital and print form. This granting of rights is free of charge and without spatial, content-related or temporal restrictions and applies to all forms of distribution and publication.
The complete image rights remain with curameo AG after evaluation. The organizer is not obliged to check the content provided by the participants (e.g. pictures) for potential infringements of third party rights. However, the organizer is entitled to reject them if the content is illegal or offends common decency according to his proper assessment.

6. data protection/consent to the use of personal data

In case of winning, the participants must send the complete address by DM or e-mail. The name of the participants will be used by the organizer to ensure personal and professional support of the participants. The organizer needs the address to be able to deliver the prize. The participant must provide the organizer with his/her date of birth to ensure that the participant is at least 18 years old in order to participate.
By participating in the promotion, the participant agrees that Kloster Kitchen may process and use his/her personal data in order to carry out the competition. Kloster Kitchen therefore asks participants to declare their consent to this condition of participation, without which participation in the competition is unfortunately not possible.
By participating, the participant consents to Kloster Kitchen storing and processing his/her e-mail address and first name and, in the event of winning, his/her first and last name and postal address for the purpose of conducting the competition.
Furthermore, the participant agrees that the contribution sent by him/her - if applicable, mentioning his/her first name - may be published on the Facebook ( or Instagram company page ( of Kloster Kitchen , also for advertising and PR purposes.
The participant can revoke the declaration of consent at any time with effect for the future to Kloster Kitchen - A brand of curameo AG, Hersbrucker Str. 23, 91244 Reichenschwand, Germany or by e-mail to Special fees (beyond the regular transmission fees) do not apply in this case. (Further) participation in the competition is not (no longer) possible if consent is not given or is revoked.
The participant's data will only be passed on to the shipping company commissioned with the delivery or to cooperation partners of the competition, insofar as this is necessary for the delivery/delivery of this prize to the participant. Personal data will not be transferred to other third parties or used for other advertising purposes without the participant's consent, unless the organizer is legally obligated to disclose data or uses third parties bound to professional secrecy to enforce the claims.
Further details regarding the processing and use of personal data when participating in this Kloster Kitchen promotion can be found on the website of Kloster Kitchen - A brand of curameo AG:
Further details regarding the processing and use of the participant's personal data when using the social networks "Facebook" and "Instagram" can be found in the privacy policy of Facebook. Currently available at

7. limitation of liability

All information provided by Kloster Kitchen, in particular in connection with the publication of winners' names, etc., is provided without warranty.
Insofar as claims are asserted by a winner in connection with the winnings received, these are, insofar as legally permissible, to be directed directly against the manufacturer, dealer, supplier, tour operator or other service provider.
Should claims in this regard arise at Kloster Kitchen , they will be assigned to the respective winners.
Kloster Kitchen is not liable for the availability of the campaign page on Facebook and online. In particular,
Kloster Kitchen is not liable for damages that may arise due to errors, delays or interruptions in transmission, in the event of disruptions or deletion of data, viruses or in any other way during participation in the competition, unless such damages are caused by gross negligence by Kloster Kitchen . Liability for culpable injury to life, body or health remains unaffected.

8. other

The law of the Federal Republic of Germany is applicable. Should any of these provisions be or become invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining conditions of participation.
Kloster Kitchen may change, suspend or terminate the contest at any time, insofar as this is necessary due to circumstances that Kloster Kitchen cannot influence or if this is the only way to ensure the proper execution of the contest. The organizer points out that the availability and function of the contest cannot be guaranteed. The contest can be terminated or removed due to external circumstances and constraints without any claims of the participants against the organizer arising from this.
Further information on the conditions of participation can be found at
The legal process is excluded.

Status: 21.12.2022